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Anniversary Flowers
Vase arrangement of six red roses and six pink roses with foliage suitable for any occasion
Lovely Pastel Vase arrangement of pink oriental lillies, burgundy sims carnations, lavender roses and pink roses accentuated with foliage suitable for all occasions
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A classic dozen red rose bouquet elegantly wrapped. Suitable for any occasion. The perfect way to say 'I love you'.
Stunning Vase arrangement of Red and White roses a bouquet style consisting of foliage or gyp, this arrangement consist of 20 roses, colours of roses may be change to suit occasion.
This gorgeous bouquet of peach roses and touch of white rose with foliage can be sent as a bouquet or a box suitable for all occasions
This beautiful two toned orange vase is a delight for the receiver a glass vase with dark burnt orange roses and peachy light roses absolutely stunning and will be a hit for any occasions
Gorgeous modern arrangement for a church wedding or funeral consisting of white lillies, roses, and sim carnations and can also be made larger just speak to our florists with your floristry needs 03 93079352
Lovely arrangement of six roses and foliage, brighten up a bad day, this wonderful arrangement screams “I Love You” whether it is for a loved one, Mum, Anniversary, Birthday. This beautiful vase arrangement can be altered to colours of choice.
Glass Vase arrangement of 10 Red Roses with lush foliage (colours for roses may be varied to suit occasion)