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Roses on line
$750.00$599.00A stunning vase arrangement of fifty roses in red the lenght of the roses are 60cm long, imagine arriving to deliver at the work place it will have everyone gasping this stunning arrangement is ideal for all occasions and we offer FREE delivery on this stunning piece.
This pretty boxed arrangement showcases soft bright pinks and whites and is sure to delight.
Presenting one dozen luscious lavender roses artistically arranged the effect is nothing short of breathtaking. Imagine her excitement when this magnificent bouquet arrives at the door.
This romantic bouquet includes twelve lavender roses accented with greenery and arranged in an elegant glass vase -
$159.00$135.00A classic dozen red rose bouquet elegantly wrapped. Suitable for any occasion. The perfect way to say 'I love you'.
Stunning Vase arrangement of Red and White roses a bouquet style consisting of foliage or gyp, this arrangement consist of 20 roses, colours of roses may be change to suit occasion.
Ideal for any occasion, Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or simply to say I Love You.
A bouquet of stunningly bright yellow roses with Gypsophilia in a vase.
$190.00$175.00Elegant box 10 red roses with exotic foliage in a box. Ideal for all occasions.